We spent the morning, mostly, waiting for the grocery store to open. It was closed yesterday (Monday) for Victoria Day but also stayed closed until 13:00 today.
Ben left Shearwater for Bella Bella via water taxi. He caught his flight(s) back home. It was fun having Ben with us. Now we are back down to 3 and that is just fine as well.
Lukas and I did super fast shopping and by 14:00 the three of us were off to Ocean Falls. We tried out some new fishing kit (bits to catch the current and drag the line down for example). We trolled for salmon near the start of the trip to Ocean Falls and again near the end – but no salmon.
A couple hundred white sided porpoises passed us as we approached the port turn to Ocean Falls. They seemed to be in a hurry. We later found that they may have been getting distance between themselves and a pod of orcas in the area.
We arrived in Ocean Falls with enough time to go for a walk. The town is an odd mix of ghost town and a normal town (mostly the former). However; something is ‘up’ as BC Ferries has just dropped a load of cash on a new terminal. I think there are 20-50 people living here. Like I said; something is ‘up’. A new fish hatchery is operating. Rumour is that the large warehouse building is to become a bitcoin mining operation (loads of power here).
We reached the top of the dam and looked out on a wonderful fresh water lake. On the way down Lukas made his way close to the rushing water. He put on his earphones and started blending the music (Imagine Dragons), the mist and the mountains. Matt and I stood patiently on the high bank for him to have his moment. Actually; after 5 minutes I suggested we head back but Matt suggested we stay as Lukas ‘could get eaten by a bear’. So we waited until he was ready to return with us.
Matt and I; checked grease on the prop shaft bearings, engine oil, engine coolant, racor filter, and engine belt. All seems well. Keeping on ‘eye on’ the coolant because we have had to add some each time we have checked. We have decided to do a full service in Bella Coola (we have the parts for it on-board).
Lukas made a quick dinner and I did the dishes. There was some discussion about the alcohol stove we have been using and whether or not we should be using the diesel stove. The alcohol stove is $3-$10/day in fuel to use. This may be due to evaporation (stove does not seal the fuel pots completely). So, after dinner, I stored the alcohol stove away and fired up the diesel stove with a pot of water – to see if it would boil and how long it would take. The water came to a boil but took some time to get hot. I decided to leave the stove on (low) overnight. We may cook breakfast on it tomorrow.
It looks like Ocean Falls is a destination for some local boaters. I think this is in part because of the little shack that is open to all. Nice! None seemed to have much luck fishing today.
Read a good chunk of ‘Curve of Time’ again today. I am really connecting with the stories/chapters. For example; there is a chapter about them hiking up the mountain above Chatter Box Falls. This is a hike I have done. So when she described the hike (the features of the trail – the landscapes – often quite specific) I can remember the same – only she did it in the 1930’s.