Departed at 07:50 this morning. Currently en-route to Egmont for lunch. We have decided not to stay in Egmont for the night as there are 2 tide changes in the afternoon – making passage through Sechelt Rapids convenient for a leg home. So we should be home later today. Taking in a great sunrise with…
Month: May 2018
Hjorth Bay to VanAnda
Lukas and I took up the anchor and Matt had the helm to keep us off shore. Three inches at a time and many feet. It took some time. We had super fine weather even though Johnson Straight was (from all sources) nasty. So we decided to take advantage and head straight to the north…
Map Update
Click the following link to see the latest Map. Its a bit large so it may take a minute or three to download. [ M A P ]
Blind Channel to Hjorth Bay
We cracked 800 miles on this cruise – so far. Casual start due to timing for tide rapids to be run later in the day. We moved Merva to the fuel dock and filled the starboard tank (to 100%) and added a bit to the port tank (to 75%). We had not decided exactly where…
Minstrel Island to Blind Channel
The prawn boats started pulling out at 6:00 and the last one left at 7:00. I had been up since 4:30 and started to get restless. I knew that we were in no hurry but I decided to get breakfast together while the guys slept a bit longer. All fed and we were off by…
Map Update
This is a large bitmap showing our route so far. [ M A P ] We are, as I write this, cruising down Johnston Straight toward Blind Channel. We have the tide flowing out (north) while the wind is stacking up the waves, to 4 feet, following us (south). So minor surfing and some water…
Sullivan Bay to Minstrel Island
We awoke knowing that we only had to do 6 or 7 hours of cruising and that the next stop was likley to be an anchoring (Cutter Cove). We were invited by the folks on ‘Seeker’ to join them for pre-breakfast tea. We had a pleasant chat for about an hour. The water was back…
Miles Inlet to Sullivan Bay
All slept well. Matt and I decided to get our cruising done in the morning as much as possible. We would still be in swells and such until we got closer to the islands. Matt and I got up around 08:00. Matt greased the propeller shaft bearings while I poured 60L of fuel from our…
Bella Coola to Miles Inlet
The Bella Coola harbour was the best we had seen this trip so far. A lot of money had clearly been spent to upgrade the pilings, floats, ramp, etc. However the fuel station is practically non existent… something I gather they are getting to soon. Even the BC Ferry terminal is being redone to accommodate…
Bella Coola
Extra day in Bella Coola. Connected with a high school friend who lives in Bella Coola. Lukas went off on a tour with native guide(s). Matt and I (mostly Matt) did a full maintenance thing on Merva. We changed the engine oil, some filters, etc. The weather window for crossing Cape Caution has switched from…